BiQ Analyzer HiMod
max planck institut
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BiQ Analyzer HiMod

BiQ Analyzer HiMod is the major upgrade of the popular BiQAnalyzer HT tool specifically designed to aid the analysis of high-throughput bisulfite amplicon sequencing data. BiQ Analyzer HiMod currently allows to process an amount of bisulfite, oxidative bisulfite, Tet assisted bisulfite, chemical modification-assisted bisulfite or formyl chemical modification-assisted bisulfite sequencing reads obtained in one or several sequencing experiments. In the same time an average analysis run does not last longer than several minutes. All the analysis settings including the alignment, quality filtering and data representation parameters are fully customizable.

BiQ Analyzer HiMod is available via an installation package which can be obtained here.

BiQ Analyzer HiMod is being developed as a cooperation project with the Epigenetics lab at Saarland University, Saarbruecken (Prof. Joern Walter).

If you use BiQ Analyzer HiMod for your work please cite:

Daniel Becker, Pavlo Lutsik, Peter Ebert, Thomas Lengauer and Joern Walter BiQ Analyzer HiMod: an interactive software tool for high-throughput locus-specific analysis of 5-methylcytosine and its oxidized derivatives. Nucleic Acids Research, May 19, 2014 [Epub ahead of print] (Full text).

In case you run into problems while running BiQ Analyzer HiMod please contact us.